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sega genesis artinya

contoh kalimat "sega genesis"
  • Road Rash II Mega Drive Sega Genesis
    Ayrton Senna Super Monaco GP II - Mega Drive
  • Duke Nukem 3D Mega Drive Sega Genesis
    Ayrton Senna Super Monaco GP II - Mega Drive
  • Chase H Q Ii Mega Drive Sega Genesis
    Ayrton Senna Super Monaco GP II - Mega Drive
  • Streets of Rage II Mega Drive Sega Genesis
    Ayrton Senna Super Monaco GP II - Mega Drive
  • The game is loosely based on the Sega Genesis games Master of Monsters and Warsong.
    White mendasarkan Wesnoth kepada permainan Sega Genesis Master of Monsters dan Warsong.
  • The Nomad is a portable variation of Sega's home console, the Sega Genesis (known as the Mega Drive outside North America).
    Nomad adalah variasi portabel dari konsol rumah Sega, Sega Genesis (yang dikenal sebagai Mega Drive di luar Amerika Utara).
  • Later, two animated shows featuring this character, as well as the Marsupilami Sega Genesis video game and a variety of other merchandise followed.
    Kemudian, dua animasi menunjukkan tampilan karakter ini, serta permainan video Sega Genesis dan berbagai barang dagangan lainnya menyusul.
  • But, uh, everyone at some point in their life feels like they've been screwed. Not me, man. I let all that stuff go with the help of my yogi, my Sega Genesis.
    Tapi, eh, setiap orang masuk ke beberapa memori dalam hidup mereka terasa seperti mereka telah kacau bukan saya saya membiarkan semua itu pergi dengan membantu yogi
  • Disney's Aladdin was based on the eponymous film of 1992. This game for the Sega Genesis and Sega Mega Drive now online. The player controlled character of Aladdin, who must [...]
    Disney Aladdin didasarkan pada film eponymous dari 1992. Game ini untuk Mega Drive Sega Genesis dan Sega sekarang online. Pemain karakter yang dikendalikan dari Aladdin, yang harus [...]
  • Giacchino's composition work for Disney Interactive during the 16-bit era included the Sega Genesis game Gargoyles, the SNES game Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow and the various console versions of The Lion King.
    Karya Giacchino untuk Disney Interactive selama era 16-bit termasuk permaian Sega Genesis, Gargoyles; permainan SNES Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow; dan berbagai versi konsol dari The Lion King.
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